Hey Mom and Dad!
I did not have the chance to make an audio for you this morning but I do have 16 mins to write an e-mail right now so here it goes: I would like to wish you a happy Valentine's day! I will be home for the next one to wish you it in person! Please thank Sister Simkovits for sending me a letter all the way from China! That's awesome! I will make sure to write her back. Please thank Pappy as well for his wonderful letters! They always motivate me! What a wonderful family I have. Anik's e-mail was great as well so please thank her for me!
I didn't e-mail yesterday because it was President's day. The biggest news I have this week and probably the biggest news yet on my mission is that the Utah Provo Mission is splitting. Yup, President Pitts told us 2 weeks ago that there will now be a Utah St.George Mission down here in the south of Utah but he commited us not to say a word to anyone. He actually closed all doors and microphones in the sacrament room at zone conference 2 weeks ago and told us. We were to keep it secret. Isn't that amazing? If you want more information, check out the church news from February 13th. I don't know yet which mission I will be in. After May 27th, I believe we will know. So it could be that I leave my mission from a different mission. I don't know where the Lord will put me. I am anxious to see what happens. The borders and all are in the church news so read it there please! Anyway, I only have about 6 min left so I'll wrap it up! Other news is that I am doing fine. We work out quite a bit every morning. Elder Chavarria is running a lot now because he wants to slim down. It is really funny because we are teaching this 14 year old boy named Alex Gonzales. His dad is the guy we work out with in his basement. Alex has this poster of Brad Pitt from the Fight Club movie. He has his shirt off and he is all of ours' goal. It is so funny. Everytime Elder Chavarria starts eating a lot he wants me just to say "Brad Pitt" and he stops haha! We get along well and so the work is moving forward. We had 2 baptisms Saturday. The Pimentel family (3) was also supposed to get baptised but we didn't realize that Ernesto Pimentel drank coffee recently so we have to wait a bit. He needs to work on his testimony anyway so it's cool. His wife and 13-year old boy are solid though. We love them! I love this area a lot and want to stay here longer. There is a lot to do here and a lot to build up. Alex G. is also set for baptism for the 27th of February. I hope that this e-mail suffices! Thank you always for yours! I always read your e-mails and dearelders carefully and know all of the news so thank you for it! Remember to always pray for the Lord to place His children that He has been preparing to receive the gospel in your path. The reason our mission and all missions in Utah are so successful is because of the members. They are fantastic! That's why we work so hard to teach them the principles of preaching the gospel. I love you both so very very much and think of you all the time! Have a wonderful week and say hi to everyone! Tell them I love them and thank them for their prayers on my behalf! tell Jason: Trabaje bien duro mi amigo, porque "por sacrificio, se dan bendiciones"! Can't wait to talk to my brothers about their missions! I see Elder Kaufman s doing well! i can't wait to see him! Love you! bye
Hey Elder Carpenter! I googled for a picture of the st. george mission and when I clicked on the link, I ended up on your blog! I'm guessing your family updates this thing, so you may never see this...but in case you do, good luck with the St. George Mission! That's pretty exciting.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work. Love your sister in the work, Sister Shill