Hey Mom & Dad,
Please thank the Blakemore’s for me, I really appreciate all their news and updates. Please let them know that I tried looking for that person that Brother Blakemore asked me about and I cannot find him. We looked in the phonebook and a few other places but couldn’t find anything.
I bought a new pair of shoes today for $33 at Ross. We still walk a lot even with a car. Taught 41 lessons last week and I had the privilege of baptizing Jonathan Lawson and the baptism was so great and the spirit was so strong and we had a couple of investigators there including Jonathan’s grandfather who is not a member. Well he must have felt the spirit because he talked to one of his member friends about some questions he had about the baptism and now he is going to start seeing the missionaries!!!! He will taught by other missionaries because we teach only young single adults. Just goes to show what can happen if you get people out to baptisms where the Spirit is felt just like it says in the D&C 84:20. Our next baptism will be Drew the big football player from Dixie College. He does everything we ask him, he goes to church every week, reads everything we give him, doesn’t have a problem with tithing or the word of wisdom. He is just a great guy and will be baptized on Dec.4. Heavenly Father just keeps pouring out blessings upon us. We are finding people and we are getting referrals. We are seeing the fruits of our labors and the fruits of the Holy Ghost who carries everything to the hearts of the hearer. It is so incredible to see on my mission what happens when the heart changes – their countenance changes, everything they do changes. I just love being here and so happy I came out on my mission. I am so excited for the next two months. Thank you for always teaching me to serve a mission!!!
For thanksgiving we going to play football in the morning and then eat with the Adams family and the Stoker family who I haven’t even met yet. Tomorrow I am going to Cedar City on an exchange and teach in Spanish again. I can’t wait to get home and speak Spanish with everyone. Alex Armstrong is also getting ready to be baptized. I enjoy working with the young adults. I jnow I don’t have much time left and so I am enjoying it more. I am a ten time better missionary than when I started and my testimony is so much stronger. Thank you again for all you do for me, and just in case you are wondering he Book of Mormon is true and Joseph Smith was a prophet and don’t you ever forget it because I would have been home long ago if it wasn’t. I am going to finish my mission strong. I have heard every doubt and concern about the church here in Utah and nothing can shake me now. Have a great week and say hi to everyone for me especially Jonathan and Chris. Bye for now!!!
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